Thursday, February 5, 2009

The New Economy

Benjamin has developed an taste for interior decorating. Namely, he'd like a new bed. Not just any bed. He'd like THAT bed from Ikea with the tent and the light that attaches to it. It would make it so much easier to stay up late reading his books if he had THAT light on his bed. Plus, it would be his OWN bed. When I tried to dissuade him, there were quite a few tears of disapointment. Somehow moving to Tahiti does not quite make up for us NOT getting him a bed right now. I am a bit sorry about that. I think it would be a great bed too and his current sleeping arrangements are not that ideal.

Benjamin has also discovered money. This means money actually means something to him now. Up until now, he's not really cared one way or the other. The man at the U-Haul store gave the boys each a cardboard truck bank. Benjamin has since begun to devise schemes to get coins to put in his new bank. "If I don't have to sit on Misery Mountain, then can I have a penny?" "If I'm really brave when you put the medicine on my hands, then can I have a penny?" "Can I keep any coins I find in the house?"

Later "I can save my money and buy a surprise!" I ask, "What kind of a surprise are you saving your pennies for?" "It's a secret." "Moms need to know these things." "I'll whisper it to you." He whispers in my ear, "I don't know yet. But it's a surprise."

This morning. "I know what I want. I want that bed at Ikea with the tent over it that has the light that attaches to it. I can save all my money to get that."

1 comment:

  1. Maybe if he knows he can have that bed when he returns from Tahiti, he will have something to look forward to...saving his money is a good thing, too, but sometimes that gets really hard after you accumulate a few bucks!! Good luck...
