Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In the Kitchen

"Servant, here's my tray (pushing a blue stool into the kitchen). Please put my food on it." (Benjamin to the kitchen help--NeeMom)

"Too much air in my mouth. I full." (Isaac)

"I finally found the salt! It was in the refrigerator." (Renee)

Dylan doing squats--just like his Mom is doing. Grinning to beat the band when she finally sees him. Up and Down. And again.


  1. These boys are laugh a minute!! We love hearing about there craziness!!

  2. what? no picture of the squats? haha. And that is pretty funny about the salt. Did they put it in there or did you?

  3. Oh the salt was all me. Proof that it is very hard to keep everything straight with all the comedians in my midst.
