Sunday, January 17, 2010



Dad by day. Super hero by night. Weapon of choice? Football, of course.

Question: What does Dad-Eric like to eat?

Dylan (2.5): “I don’t know.”
Isaac (almost 4): “Cake. Pink. No. What if he had chocolate?”
Benjamin (almost 6): “Peanuts.”

Question: What’s Dad’s favorite drink?

Benjamin: “Can. The Cherry one.”
Isaac: “Juice.”

Question: What does Daddy do at work?

Dylan: “I don’t know.”
Isaac: “Check ‘s moskitos.”
Benjamin: “Study mosquitoes. Work with a microscope and pipettes. And then he catches more mosquitoes.”

Question: What is Daddy’s favorite thing to do?

Dylan: “Don’t know.”
Isaac: “Go to work.”
Benjamin: “Watching BYU win.”

Question: Where’s Dad’s favorite place to go?”

Benjamin: “The beach of course!”
Isaac: “I cahn’t r’member.”

Question: What do you like to do with Dad-Eric?

Dylan: “How about. Make a mess. Clean up BIG mess.”
Isaac: “Play trains.”
Benjamin: “Play football with Daddy.” (Which he did yesterday. When discovered sitting on the sideline, Benjamin was then asked why he wasn’t playing. “I’m the coach!” Apparently, Dad really needs one.)

Question: What is Dad good at?

Benjamin: “Catching the ball. But not catching Frisbees. Last week at the beach, he kept missing the Frisbee. But I caught it every time.
Isaac: “Throwing the football in the clouds.”

Question: What should we get Dad for his birthday?

Benjamin: “We should get Daddy one of those movies. With a super hero in it. A DVD. Wouldn’t that be fun?”


Happy Birthday.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh that Q&A was so cute! Haha your boys crack me up!

    And great superhero/football pose by Eric haha!
