Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our Kentucky Home


All right boys. We will now sing hymns in English, French, Tahitian...and Bluegrass drawl. Look sharp.

"What? You don't want to wear flip flops and shorts to church anymore? Why not?"
"Dylan? Yes?"
"You love Tahiti. Me too. You like THAT house. You like PK 18 (beach). Of course."
"When will we go back?"
"That's a tough one. That's a tough one."
"Yep. Let's send Tati Annie, Tati Marie, Tatita and Tati Fifi and all our friends lots and lots of kisses."
"It's all right. Let's dry those tears. I'm sure they're thinking of you too."

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  1. They are so cute and getting bigger every time I see them! I hope you guys are enjoying Kentucky. I'm sure you'll have lots of friends there soon. =]

  2. Welcome back to the USA. Hope your move went smoothly & you're settling in. I'm right there with you!

  3. glad to see you blogging again! your boys are adorable!

  4. So they are back in U.S. clothing for church! I am sure that was a hard adjustment for them - as winter comes, it will be a welcome change, I'm Sure. Love you all and by the way, you are such adorable little boys.

  5. too cute. hope you are planning a trip to North Carolina soon :)
