Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Adventure Day

Eric and I saw some cute frogs at the Botanical Gardens yesterday.  A few of them hopped into our pockets and came home with us.  Now what to feed them?


  1. Are you serious or was that a joke? That is quite an interesting one sitting next to the boys in the picture. Sounds like a fun day. Can't wait to see you all!!!


  2. Just joking. The only hippity-hoppity we took home were the three we took with us. We had a very fun day.

  3. I hear that frogs like flies...how about those cute little ones that you took home? Such a sweet little family!

  4. maybe those frogs like poptarts? And mopatine!

  5. Definitely yes and yes on the Pop tarts and mop-a-tine. Still very much favorites. So Benjamin was trying to get his days of the week in order. What's today...tomorrow...and Saturday is Pop Tart Day. And Sunday is church. And the next day? Monday. On Mondays will we go see the moving sculptures at the Botanical Garden again? Well, not EVERY Monday! So nice that he liked it--flowers, sculptures, fish ponds, walking around, a picnic...our kind of little perfect world.

  6. What cute little frogs you found. I'm sure they are bouncy all over the place. So cute!
